Harmonize Quality with Customer Expectations

Hidden risks in customer interactions can negatively impact your brand's perception and erode customer loyalty. Gain true visibility into each interaction across touchpoints, allowing you to proactively address friction and deliver a low-effort, high-value experience every time.

A staggering 88% of service leaders acknowledge the inefficiency of current quality assurance processes, as noted by Gartner. These traditional methods often fail to align with the actual customer view of quality, leading to a significant mismatch in expectations and perceptions.

Aligning Organizational Focus for Superior Service

Modernize your quality assurance with AI and enhance agent performance using insights based on real-customer scenarios.


Go beyond spot-checking. Evaluate every customer interaction—identify hidden risks that impact issue resolution, customer retention, and sales conversion. Aggregate this data for clear visibility into process, policy, and training hotspots in every customer scenario.


Aligning agents with customer scenarios ensures value at every touchpoint. Enhance agent performance and customer loyalty with data-driven coaching, reinforcing your brand values and driving agent success.


Securing customer loyalty requires a team effort. Equip your teams with essential insights to refine products, policies, and knowledge systems, effectively reducing repeat contacts, boosting sales, and enhancing customer retention.

Stronger Quality Program

Aligned with Customer Expectations

Know Where Outcomes Can Be Improved.

Don't settle for anecdotes and spotty notes. DataOrb provides a clear view of what's happening at every touchpoint across every customer interaction. You'll quickly identify which interactions deliver value and which ones fall short.

Operationalize Customer Empathy

It's detrimental to offer coaching without proper guidance. DataOrb evaluates all agents across various customer scenarios, aligning them with the brand values you prioritize. It automatically alerts you about agents needing improvement, highlighting specific areas for enhancement and the reasons behind them.

Understand what’s working

Eliminate guesswork and the need to switch between platforms. Utilize data-backed guidance for every agent, ensuring teams are aligned to deliver value at every touchpoint. Simplify and clarify the management of every customer interaction, systematically driving improvements across business-critical KPIs.

Instantly Answer the Most Important Questions Impacting Customer Expectations of Your Service Experience.

How effective are our new talk tracks in improving customer retention?

Which agent behaviors contribute to successful outcomes?

What customer scenarios should my agents prioritize and master?

Which agents need coaching, and in which skills and customer scenarios can they improve?

How effective is our coaching process in enhancing brand perception?

Which skills are crucial for driving sales conversions?

Unlock Your Team's Potential

Schedule a Demo and Get Started